Originally written for Printed Matter. ◊◊


Location: Date: Time: Meriç Algün Ringborg

Written and assembled by Meriç Algün Ringborg, this volume is both a two-part reflection and demonstration of disappearance in both personal and cultural terms. The first portion contains an essay that illustrates contemporary and historic assumptions of space and time. Rather than trying to articulate the very meaning of lacking substance, Ringborg writes the idea of disappearance through its converse–documentation, power, place and surveillance. The second portion contains a series of fragments taken from different unnamed sources that both describe and demonstrate erasure in all its moods, ranging from the humorous to the poignant.


A-I-M-E-R: notes for a forthcoming detective novel Sarah Elliott

An unbound collection of gestures, marks, thoughts, images, quotes, snippets printed spaciously and neatly on white cards, for the imagined potential of another narrative. Sarah Elliot presents these as atmospheric ornaments without certain order, and which naturally have no fixed sequence in a story. Presented as fluid parts, these cards invite re-arrangement and generous speculation.