My interview with Anne-Lise Coste is published in Où suis-je by Patrick Frey Editions. My synopsis for PFE below. ◊◊

Anne-Lise Coste’s fourth monograph, titled Où suis-je, is a collection of penetrating glimpses into the architectural landscape of her childhood as they have morphed and sutured in her mind over time. However abstracted, the drawings refer to the actual hospitals and infirmaries in which Coste resided during treatment for an asthmatic condition. They reflect the paradoxically exact yet imprecise way that recollection replicates details, and the persistence of certain images in memory.

Où suis-je is a foundational volume for understanding Coste’s work, not only for its autobiographical insight, but also for demonstrating the expansive way Coste uses line and text to meditate on loss, longing, and location.

For purchase and preview here.
